Health in Namibia
Comprehensive travel insurance is highly recommended for traveling in Namibia.
As well as medical evacuation, the coverage should include all medical costs incurred overseas and be in place before you arrive.
Be certain the coverage extends to all circumstances for the duration. Remember that your government will not cover costs for any health emergency.
Obtain from your doctor information regarding immunizations-including boosters- and vaccinations against disease outbreaks in that area of the world.
Unless in the capital Windhoek, medical facilities can be less than desired with medical staff expecting cash payment irrespective of any travel insurance. Keep in mind a serious accident or illness could prompt an evacuation to South Africa resulting in a cost of $A23,000.
HIV/AIDS runs very high in Namibia so be cautioned against activities that would render you infected.
Malaria likewise runs high in northern areas of Namibia. Prophylaxis measures are highly advised pertaining to insect spread diseases such as leishmaniasis, filariasis, sleeping sickness. Use insect repellent and wear light colored long sleeved shirts and pants while making sure your accommodation is mosquito proof as possible.
Typhoid, cholera, meningitis, hepatitis, polio, rabies and tuberculosis are water, food and insect borne diseases that break out occasionally. These should all be addressed with-in your arsenal of vaccinations.
Boil all water and refrain from eating any undercooked food. Ice-cubes are out of the question.
Refrain from swimming to avoid the water borne disease bilharzia (schistosomiasis).
If you suffer from diarrhea or fever you should seek medical help.