The strip of Caprivi in beautiful Namibia
Many places in Namibia you visit will no doubt take your breath away and one such place is the Caprivi Strip. Throughout this area you will be witness to numerous borders of Namibia to its nearby neighbours of Botswana, Angola and Zambia and some amazing visual sights to make you never want to leave.
Numerous languages are spoken throughout the region, many from the Bantu people and some other languages spread across from the bordering countries of the strip. English and Afrikaans are also spoken in the area by many people.
The Caprivi strip is renowned for its extremely diverse wildlife and many tourists who visit the area visit exactly for that reason. The strip is home to the Wild African Dog, and large efforts are placed on protecting it from its extremely high endangered status. It is also heavy on many resources related to many different minerals, and is an important route for trade on the Zambezi River along to the east coast of Africa. This river however is not the most secure river and is sometimes met with some fear due to vast amounts of rapids and large waterfalls in the area.
The history of the Caprivi strip is very significant in the area, with many wars and battles being fought within the area. During the South African occupation of Namibia, there were even plans for the Caprivi region to become its own country, and an individual flag, coat of arms and national anthem were created. A conflict happened in 1999 as the Caprivi region attempted to become its own country again, but this never happened. The area is safe today however and is a beautiful place for you to come and visit. Bring your camera and take plenty of shots from this stunning landscape